How much turkey per person?

The best way to calculate how much baked turkey you need per person is by the weight of the turkey. Calculate 600 grams or 1 pound of turkey for each guest. So if you have 7 people you will need a turkey of more or less 5 kilograms or 11 pounds. The whole raw turkey weighs much more than it ends up weighing after being baked and if we also reduce the weight of the bone you can end up with people who do not reach turkey during Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner.

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How much turkey per person do I need for Thanksgiving dinner

  • How much my turkey should weigh for a dinner of 7 to 9 people is recommended a turkey that weighs between 5 and 7 kilograms or 11 to 15 pounds
  • If your party has 10 to 12 guests, a turkey that weighs between 7 and 8 kilograms or 15 to 18 pounds is recommended.
  • For dinners of 12 to 15 people, a turkey weighing between 8 and 11 kilograms or 18 to 24 pounds is recommended.
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Two turkeys or a very large one?

For more than 15 people I would recommend you better prepare an extra turkey. Remember that the bigger your turkey is, the less tender it will be, the longer it will take to cook. I prefer to cook 2 normal-size turkeys that are juicy and tender than a giant turkey that is more in danger of not finishing baking properly or not having as much flavor.

Remember that if you have a large number of children they are usually so excited about the gifts that they do not pay much attention to the turkey so calculate 2 children as if they were 1 person.

Calculating how many pounds or kilos your turkey should be to reach family and guests can be a challenge, so here I share a simple way to get an average of how much turkey you need per person. In this little table you can see the kilos you need of turkey according to the number of people in your family, this is obviously relative because it depends on how much turkey each person eats, if you make a turkey with or without filling and the number of dishes with those that are going to accompany your turkey:

how much turkey do i need

Other topics that you will need

  • How to defrost a turkey Click aquí
  • At what temperature and for how long should I bake a turkey. Click here
cuanto pavo por persona

Laura Muller
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